Scoliosis is a progressive disease of curvature of the spine. It can affect people of all ages; not only children and adolescents, but also adults. Scoliosis can result not only in an unlevel body, it can cause headaches, shortness of breath, back pain, digestive problems, menstrual-cycle disturbances, leg, hip and knee pain, chronic fatigue and mood swings. The majority of scoliosis cases do not require surgical treatment; they require non-surgical treatment.
Unfortunately, as the National Institute of Health (NIH) reports, in more than 80% of the cases, a specific cause of scoliosis is not found. For this reason, the focus of the Scoliosis Care Foundation is on non-surgical treatment of scoliosis whose cause is of unknown origin: idiopathic scoliosis. The NIH notes that scientists are hopeful that studying things such as changes in the central nervous system in people with idiopathic scoliosis may reveal a cause of this disorder.
The Parent's Guide to Scoliosis is designed to educate both medical and non-medical professionals on the early signs of Scoliosis.
Easy-to-follow Scoli-Fit exercise videos tailored to your specific curve pattern, which you can do at home! This will include all detailed written instructions further defining the exercise.
Know MoreI have been with many a family that has cried over the dilemma of having to tell their child with rapidly progressing scoliosis that surgery is their only option. Parents from all over the world have contacted me in desperation, fearing for their child’s health and well being. They had hit road blocks with traditional methods of treatment from a 20th century based philosophy and approach to addressing the disease.
Gary Deutchman, D.C.Current research in the U.S. and Britain is showing that idiopathic scoliosis is a multifaceted disease that compromises all five of the body’s systems: neurological, digestive, hormonal, muscular and osseous (bone). These newer insights about the impact of the disease of scoliosis on a patient recognize that the body’s systems work together in an integrated fashion. When one of the body’s systems suffers a malady it can create problems with one or more of the body’s other systems.
Older 20th century based philosophy about scoliosis treatment considered only the osseous part of the equation, with the focus of treatment being just on stopping skeletal curvature from progressing.
The attention was on supporting the spine, while ignoring the body’s four other systems. Take, for example, bracing, an important component in the non-surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis. Its purpose was to keep the curve from progressing while the patient is growing.
The Scoliosis Care Foundation is a recognized 501(c)3 organization dedicated to improving education, treatment and diagnosis of scoliosis.
The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations (COCSA) has partnered with the SCF to offer educational and screening materials … Continue reading “The Congress of Chiropractic State Associations”
Read MoreThe “National Dance Week” Organization Partners with The SCF in Project P.O.D. Dr. Gary Deutchman and representatives from … Continue reading “Dr. Marc Lamantia presented a report on vestibular involvement in Scoliosis”
Read MoreDue to the importance of early screening in the correction and management of Scoliosis, the Foundation has adopted … Continue reading “The SCF has announced a 2006 initiative to Protect Our Dancers (P.O.D.)”
Read MoreThe Foundation honors top doctors throughout the United States dedicated too non surgical management of scoliosis and other spinal condiions. A profession wide survey is now being conducted to identify nominees through a peer nominated process below.
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