Dr. Marc Lamantia presented a report on vestibular involvement in Scoliosis
The “National Dance Week” Organization Partners with The SCF in Project P.O.D.

Dr. Gary Deutchman and representatives from National Dance Week at a National Dance Event in 2006
APRIL 20-29 2007 (www.nationaldanceweek.org)

The non-profit National Dance Week (NDW) Organization, which oversees more than 5000 dance events across the United States each year for the annual celebration, has recognized the need for increased awareness and early detection of (IS). NDW has, thus, elected to join in partnership with The Foundation to offer Free Screening Brochures and other literature to their Delegates, Dance Studios and other affiliated Dance Educators. In conjunction with NDW, Foundation will also be offering a 3 Hour Certification course for NDW Delegates and other Dance educators designed to give the teachers more information about (IS) and the capabilities for identifying it. To find a course near you, or if you are interested in offering a the 3 hour course to your group, contact
The SCF directly by email or phone.