Letter From Founder

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I have been with many a family that has cried over the dilemma of having to tell their child with rapidly progressing scoliosis that surgery is their only option. Parents from all over the world have contacted me in desperation, fearing for their child’s health and well being. They had hit road blocks with traditional methods of treatment from a 20th century based philosophy and approach to addressing the disease.

I also have been fortunate to have cried with joy with parents who have seen their children’s spines become straighter and the child become healthier. What happened was that the children were treated following a non-surgical, multifaceted treatment approach that is evolving from a 21st century based philosophy and approach for addressing scoliosis.

As a chiropractor, I’ve been providing healthcare to patients with spinal problems since 1986. For the past six years my practice has focused on treating patients with idiopathic scoliosis. I and other scoliosis care professionals are excited about promising responses we have seen in treating patients — primarily children and women — by employing relatively new insights and treatment protocols that take into account a person’s five body systems rather than following the older philosophy behind and approach to scoliosis healthcare that focuses solely on the skeletal body system. However, more research into scoliosis and non-surgical treatment options are needed, as is education about diagnosing the disease and the non-surgical options available today. These are among the reasons I founded the Scoliosis Care Foundation.

Gary Deutchman, D.C.
Founder and Director

If you’d like to make a donation, or for more information about detection of idiopathic scoliosis and non-surgical treatment options today, please email us at info@scoliosiscare.org or call


1085 Park Ave, Suite 1E, New York, NY 10128

The scoliosis care foundation top doctors nominations

The Foundation honors top doctors throughout the United States dedicated too non surgical management of scoliosis and other spinal condiions. A profession wide survey is now being conducted to identify nominees through a peer nominated process below.

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